
Payment methods

  • Paypal
  • Visa, Mastercard, etc. (securely processed by PayPal)

How to buy a product :

  1. On a home page choose a product that you want to buy. Also, you can do this by choosing a product from the Main menu.
  2. Once on a product page:
    – choose a manual language in case you are buying a DIY DTG printer manual and press the “Add to cart” button;
    – choose a printer model in case you are buying a DIY DTG mini ASF module and press the “Add to cart” button.
  3. View your shopping cart by pressing a “View Cart” button or by pressing a Basket icon from the main navigation.
  4. Check your order and proceed to checkout by pressing a “Proceed to checkout” button.
  5. Once on a Checkout page, provide your billing details. In case you are buying a product that must be shipped to you by post, provide a Shipping address.
  6. Pay with your PayPal account or a credit card by pressing a “Proceed to PayPal” button.
  7. Once a payment is complete, you will receive an Order Confirmation email with order details on the email provided during checkout.

Note: If paid by credit or debit card and depending on which country you are from, PayPal may ask you to create an account to finalize a payment.

If you experience any problems with a payment or significant delays receiving a download link, please contact uniDTG support team.